
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Radical Homemakers of New Mexico

My latest project is Radical Homemakers of New Mexico Facebook page, a way of weaving a community of mothers, fathers, gardeners, builders, homesteaders, permaculture practitioners - all people who share interest in a wide spectrum of skills and information that is hard to bring together under a single topic.
I invite you to join the page, or create your own in the bioregion that you call home. Many states have such pages, following the inspiration of the book bearing same name, "Radical Homemaking".
And, as my friend and co-conspirator, and co-founder of this page, Kyce Bello said: "Normal homemakers are welcome too!"

1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to meet more radical homemakers in NM! Though not sure I would consider myself radical, yet. I'm just learning about permaculture and I love what I'm reading.

