I am giving this post a long boring name to get it show up on search engines. My own searches brought next to nothing on the subject, unless you count vague statements that such and such herb aids in parasite control without any details on quantities etc. I got my favorite book by Juliette of the Herbs "The Complete Herbal for Farm and Stable", read the chapter on using garlic and went to work. Juliette recommends one full plant of garlic, leaves and all, chopped up and mixed with oat bran, pumpkin seed and molasses. I happen to have all the ingredients in either my garden or my pantry, so after a short time dedicated to chopping and mixing I got the aromatic goo delivered to my two princesses, Katia and Rosa.
Katia gobbled up the entire plate meant for two; while Rosa politely declined. To be honest, I was worried if Katia will pass out from nearly a full pound of dynamite-looking concoction, but she licked her lips and has been in good health and disposition since then. I think I will add some grain to the mix to seduce Rosa to have it. I cannot tell how much Katia's parasite load has been reduced, however it did her lots of good anyway as a health tonic. While she is not in milk, garlic is going to be her weekly dish.
I also learned that honey suckle is used for the same purpose and that it should be grown for goats to browse on freely. Done. I am on my way to a plant nursery.
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