
Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Harvesting Onions

Each year we plant 300 onion bulbs for the July-August harvest that lasts us through all the canning and cooking and into late March of the following year. We order onion sets at Dixondale Farms, and plant them as soon as our ground can be worked. Our fertilizer is goat manure (overwintered) and lots of mulch - and after a few months large sweet onions emerge, wheelbarrow full of them. 

They are laid to cure in the shade, on our back porch, where they remain for a few weeks. No hurry to move them anywhere, besides there is hardly any cool spot in this heat anyway, so they lay and rest and offer their pretty looks. 

Once onions are cured (their skins dried and necks completely gone), we move them into our mudroom - which is the coolest and darkest room in our house. There, in dry cool setting, our onions will sit in their pretty baskets and then move to the kitchen, one by one - to omelets, stir-fry, soups, meat dishes and salads. 


  1. Chop or dice, and freeze in freezer bags. This is a great way to have a quick, aromatic addition for many cooked dishes. You could add them to a vegetable stock and freeze in ice cube trays. Then when you need vegetable stock as a base for soup or whatever, you just pop in your veggie stock ice cubes and viola, instant flavor. You could also dry them, but I prefer freezing.

  2. really? That is a great idea, that did not even cross my mind. The onions are huge, and there are lots of them. THANKS!
